While it sucks sometimes, drinking water is super important for flushing out toxins, supporting our kidneys, and alleviating symptoms like fatigue.To make sure you stay hydrated, try these simple tips!

  1. Sip often! Carry a water bottle with you wherever you go. Having water available makes it easier to sip regularly. Set reminders on your phone or use an app that reminds you to drink water. Some good ones are WaterMinder ® or Waterllama.
  2. If you don’t like water, try something else. Milk, juice, sports drinks, and tea all count as fluids. Also, drinks with ice are sometimes easier to swallow.
  3. AND, many foods like watermelon, lettuce, and broccoli have high water contents and are good ways to get more water in.
  4. Different soups and popsicles have lots of water too!
  5. Sucking on ice chips can also help with both nausea and getting in water!